太阳集团tcy8722网站市场营销学教授,ESG及社会创新中心主任。加入太阳集团tcy8722网站之前,曾任加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院(University of British Columbia)市场营销系副教授、系主任,及加拿大国家研究教授,美国莱斯大学(Rice University)市场系助理教授。2003年于美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)获得商业管理博士并辅修心理学专业。
研究方向关注行为科学,社会创新,以及品牌管理。研究成果被发表在世界顶尖级学术期刊上,其中包括,科学(Science)、消费者研究杂志 (Journal of Consumer Research),和市场研究杂志 (Journal of Marketing Research)。现任市场杂志(Journal of Marketing) 的副主编。2020年出版“未来好企业:共益实践三部曲”一书,2022年出版“决策的逻辑:生活中的行为心理学”一书。
● AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, consortium faculty, Leeds, UK, 2018
● Named as Global Council Member for the World Economic Forum 2014-2016; 2016-2018
● CKGSB Research Excellence Award, 2015,
● Sauder Research Excellence Award, 2010, University of British Columbia
● Canada Research Chair in Consumer Behavior, 2009
● Marketing Science Institute’s 2007 Young Scholar
● Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Sheth Dissertation Competition Runner-up, 2002.
● Carlson School of Management Dissertation Award, University of Minnesota, 2002-2003.
● AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2002.
● Robert Lieberman Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 2001.
● Chae, Boyoun (Grace) , Sangsuk Yoon, Ernest Baskin, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2023), “The lasting smell of temptation: Counteractive effects of indulgent food scents,” Journal of Business Research, Volume 155, Part A, January, 113437.
● Wang, Chen, Ravi Mehta, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Jennifer Argo (2019), “Dim or Bright? The Impact of Ambient Illuminance on Consumer Response to Innovative Solutions,” forthcoming, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, volume 4, number 3. Published online May 13, 2019.
● Su, Lei, Yuwei Jiang, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, “The Shape of Money: The Impact of Financial Resources on Product Shape Preference,” forthcoming, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, special issue on Transformative Consumer Aesthetics.
● Tong, Luqiong, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Yuhuang Zheng, and Ping Zhao (2018)“Warmer or Cooler, The Influence of Ambient Temperature on Complex Choices,” forthcoming, Marketing Letters.
● Rui (Juliet) Zhu and Ravi Mehta (2018), “Sensory Experiences and Consumer Creativity,” Journal of Association for Consumer Research, 2, 472-84
● Chae, Boyoun (Grace), Darren Dahl, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2017), “”Our" Brand's Failure Leads to "Their" Product Derogation,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27, 466-472
● Mehta, Ravi, Darren Dahl, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2017), “Social-Recognition versus Financial Incentives? Exploring the Effects of Creativity-Contingent External Rewards on Creative Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research (44), 536-553.
● Wang Chen, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Todd Handy (2015) “Experiencing Haptic Roughness Enhances Empathy,” forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26 (3), 350-362.
● Mehta, Ravi, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Joan Meyers-Levy (2014), “When Does a Higher Construal Level Increase or Decrease Indulgence? Resolving the Myopia versus Hyperopia Puzzle?” Journal of Consumer Research, 41(2):475-488.
● Chae, Boyoun (Grace) and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2014), “Environmental Disorder Leads to Self-Regulatory Failure,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40(6):1203-1218
● Zhu, Rui (Juliet), and Jennifer Argo (2013), "Exploring the Impact of Various Shaped Seating Arrangements on Persuasion," Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2):336 - 349
● Chae, Boyoun (Grace), Xiuping Li, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2013), “Judging Product Effectiveness from Perceived Spatial Proximity,” Journal of Consumer Research,40(2):317-335
● Mehta, Ravi, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Amar Cheema (2012), “Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition,” Journal of Consumer Research, (December)
● Zhu, Rui (Juliet), Utpal Dholakia, Xinlei (Jack) Chen, and René Algesheimer (2012) “Does Online Community Participation Foster Risky Financial Behavior?” Journal of Marketing Research, 49 (June)
● Wang, Jing, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Baba Shiv (2012), “The Lonely Consumer: Loner or Conformer?” forthcoming, Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (April), 1116-1128.
● Meyers-Levy, Joan, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2010), “Gender Differences in the Meanings Consumers Infer from Music and Other Aesthetic Stimuli,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20, 495-507.
● Meyers-Levy, Joan, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Jiang Lan (2010), “Context Effects from Bodily Sensations: Examining Bodily Sensations Induced by Flooring and the Moderating Role of Product Viewing Distance,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (June).
● Mehta, Ravi and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2009),"Blue or Red? Exploring the Effect of Color on Cognitive Task Performances," Science, Published Online February 5, 2009, In print, 28 February, Vol. 323, no. 5918, pp. 1226-1229.
● Levav, Jonathan and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2009), “Seeking Freedom through Variety,” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (December), 600-610.
● Zhu, Rui (Juliet) and Joan Meyers-Levy (2009), " The Influence of Self-View on Context Effects: How Display Fixtures Can Affect Product Evaluations," Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (February), 37-45.
● Zhu, Rui (Juliet), Xinlei (Jack) Chen, and Srabana Dasgupta (2008), “Trade-in or not? Exploring the effect of trade-in value on consumers’ willingness to pay for the new product,” Journal of Marketing Research, XLV (April), 159-170.
● Argo, Jennifer, Rui (Juliet) Zhu, and Darren Dahl (2008), “Fact or Fiction: An Investigation of Empathy Differences in Response to Emotional Melodramatic Entertainment,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (February), 614-623.
● Kirmani, Amna and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2007), “Vigilant Against Manipulation: The Effect of Regulatory Focus on the Use of Persuasion Knowledge,” Journal of Marketing Research, XLIV (November), 688-701.
● Meyers-Levy, Joan and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2007), “The Influence of Ceiling Height: The Effect of Priming on the Type of Processing People Use,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (August), 174–186.
● Zhu, Rui (Juliet) and Joan Meyers-Levy (2007), “Exploring the Cognitive Mechanism that Underlies Regulatory Focus Effects,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (June), 89-96.
● Zhu, Rui (Juliet) and Joan Meyers-Levy (2005), “Distinguishing Between the Meanings of Music: When Background Music Affects Product Perceptions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (August), 333-345.
● Monga, Ashwani and Rui (Juliet) Zhu (2005), “Buyers versus Sellers: How They Differ in Their Responses to Framed Outcomes,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15 (Fall), 325-333.