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YAN Aimin









Academy of Management Journal、Academy of Management Review、Journal of International Business Studies、 Journal of Applied Psychology、 Human Relations 等学刊发表过多篇论文,并出版过学术专著,关于美中合资企业的研究获全美管理学会的最佳论文奖。在企业全球战略管理方面,被Journal of International Management列为“最多产”、同时“最具学术影响力”的全球9位学者之一。任Journal of International Management、Journal of Management and Organization、哈佛商业评论(中文版)编委。


  1. Faraj, S. & Yan, A. 2009. Boundary work in knowledge teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(3): 604-617.
  2. Manev, I.M., Yan, A. & Manolova, T.S. 2005. Toward a model of governance and legality of firms in transforming economies: Empirical evidence from China. Thunderbird International Business Review, May-June: 313-334.
  3. 3.Yan, A. & Duan, X.2003. Interpartner fit and its performance implications: A four-case study of U.S.-China joint ventures. Journal of Asia Pacific Journal of Management,December, 20(4): 541-564.,December, 20(4): 541-564.
  4. 4.Johnson-Cramer, M., Cross, R., & Yan, A.2003. Sources of fidelity in purposive organizational change: Lessons from a reengineering case. Journal of Management Studies, 40(7): 1837-1870。
  5. Yan, A., Zhu, G., & Hall, D.T. 2002. International assignments for career building: Agency relationships and psychological contracts. Academy of Management Review. 27(3): 373-391.
  6. Shenkar, O. & Yan, A. 2002. Failure as a consequence of partner politics: Learning from the life and death of an international cooperative venture. Human Relations. 55(5): 565-602.
  7. Manolova, T.S. & Yan, A. 2002. Institutional constraints and strategic responses of new and small firms in a transforming economy: The case of Bulgaria. International Small Business Journal. 20(2): 163-184.
  8. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 2001. Negotiating control and achieving performance in international joint ventures: A conceptual model. Journal of International Management, 7: 295-315.
  9. Hall, D.T., Zhu, G., & Yan A. 2001. Developing global leaders: To hold on to them, let them go! Advances in Global Leadership, 2: 327-349.
  10. Yan, A. 2001. US-China Joint Ventures: An Interview with Professor Aimin Yan of Boston University. Journal of American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, May: 8-9.
  11. Manev, I.M., Yan, A., & Manolova, T.S. 2001. The evolution of the organizational landscape in transforming economies: A four-country comparison. Global Focus, 13(1): 65-78.
  12. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 2001. Antecedents and effects of parent control in international joint ventures. Journal of Management Studies, 38(3): 393-416.
  13. Cross, R., Yan, A. & Louis, M. 2000. Boundary activity in boundaryless organizations: A case study of a transformation to a team-based structure. Human Relations, 53(6): 841-868.
  14. Yan, A. & Zeng, M. 1999. International joint venture instability: A critique of previous research, a reconceptualization, and directions for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 30(2): 397-414.
  15. Yan, A. & Louis, M.R. 1999. The migration of organizational functions to the work unit level: Buffering, spanning and bringing up boundaries. Human Relations, 52(1): 25-47.
  16. Yan, A. 1998. Structural stability and reconfiguration of international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 29(4): 773-796.
  17. Yan, A. & Manolova, T.S. 1998. New and small players on shaky ground: A multicase study of emerging entrepreneurial firms in a transforming economy. Journal of Applied Management Studies, 7(1): 139-143.
  18. Yan, A. 1995. The formation dynamics of U.S.-China manufacturing joint ventures. China Business Review, December: 31-49.
  19. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 1995. Reconceptualizing the determinants and measurement of joint venture performance. Advances in Global High Technology Management. 5B: 87-113.
  20. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 1994. Bargaining power, management control, and performance in U.S.-China joint ventures: A comparative case study. Academy of Management Journal, 37(6): 1478-1517.
    Reprinted, 1996, in K. Chatterjee & B. Gray, (Eds.), Interorganizational joint ventures: Economic and organizational perspectives. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Reprinted, 1997, in P.W. Beamish, (Ed.), Strategic Alliances, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham, U.K.
  21. Gray, B. & Yan, A. 1992. A negotiations model of joint venture formation, structure and performance: Implications for global management. Advances in International Comparative Management, 7: 41-75.
  22. Sharfman, M., Gray, B., & Yan, A. 1991. The context of interorganizational collaboration in the garment industry: An institutional perspective. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 27(2): 181-208.
  23. Dai, M. & Yan, A. 1985. A study of management education programs in China's technology and engineering schools. Journal of High Education Research in Machine-Building Industries, 3-4: 70-86.


Nominee, the 2013 Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching, Boston University.

Winner of the 1994-1995 Broderick Prize for Research, School of Management, Boston University.

Winner of the Barry M. Richman Award for the Best Dissertation of 1994 in the Field of International Management, Academy of Management.